The Inspection Body of LLC «NVP «DIN LTD» is accredited in accordance with the requirements of DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17020 by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (accreditation certificate No. 70597, Type A, valid until April 2, 2029) and appointed by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine No. 141 dated June 29, 2021 (Certificate of appointment of the conformity assessment body for performing certain tasks as a third party, as defined in the relevant technical regulation No. 3431-07/55 dated June 3, 2024).
Inspection work is paid for by the Applicant in accordance with the concluded certification agreements. Payment for conformity assessment work is made regardless of the decisions made based on its results and is covered by funds from enterprises, organizations, or individuals who submitted an application for certification or conformity assessment.
The cost of the work is calculated by the Inspection Body of LLC «NVP «DIN LTD» in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 514 dated July 12, 2017 «On approval of the Rules for determining the cost of work for assessing compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, performed by designated conformity assessment bodies and recognized independent organizations».
All types of work related to inspection and conformity assessment of products are subject to payment. The list of works is compiled in accordance with the corresponding conformity assessment module.