According to TR on requirements for automobile gasoline, diesel, marine and boiler fuels

Conformity assessment according to the Technical Regulation on the requirements for motor gasoline, diesel, marine, and boiler fuels, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 01.08.2013 No. 927

For conducting product conformity assessment works, the Applicant submits an application to the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) to conduct conformity assessment works in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulation, which contains all necessary information:

  • Product name that is being submitted for conformity assessment;
  • Name of the Technical Regulation under which the conformity assessment will be conducted;
  • General details of the applicant, including the name and address(es) of the location;
  • All other necessary information.

Requirements for conducting conformity assessment

For conducting conformity assessment, the requirements set forth in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 13, 2016, No. 95 "On the approval of conformity assessment modules used for the development of conformity assessment procedures, and rules for using conformity assessment modules" are applied:

  • Fuels produced in series — under module A1.

Documents attached to the application under module A1

For the application (when evaluating products under module A1), with prior agreement from the CAB, the Applicant provides:

  • Technological regulation or production instruction (or extract, production description), or production technology;
  • Implementation act (launch) for serial production of the product, acceptance acts for the trial batch, and product testing protocols;
  • Certificate or other document confirming the origin of the product and product testing protocols.

For fuels containing additives, the following are also added to the technical documentation:

  • Document permitting the use of the additive in the corresponding type of fuel;
  • Data on the content of the additive in the fuel;
  • Safety data sheet for the additive;
  • Information on the location of the legal entity of the manufacturer.
04074, Kyiv,
street Konoplyanska, 12,


Head of Laboratory
Quality Manager
Inspection Body Manager

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