In accordance with the technical regulations on requirements for motor gasoline, diesel, marine and boiler fuels

Conformity assessment according to the Technical Regulation on requirements for motor gasoline, diesel, marine and boiler fuels, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 01.08.2013 № 927

To carry out conformity assessment work, the Applicant submits an application to the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for the evaluation of product conformity with the requirements of the Technical Regulation. The application should include all necessary information (product name for conformity assessment, name of the technical regulation to which conformity will be assessed, general details of the applicant, including name and address(es) of the location, and any other relevant information).

For conducting the conformity assessment, the requirements established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree No. 95 dated January 13, 2016, “On Approval of Conformity Assessment Modules Used for Developing Conformity Assessment Procedures and Rules for Using Conformity Assessment Modules” apply:

  • fuels produced or imported in batches, - according to module F1;
  • fuels produced in experimental batches, - according to module F1;

For the application (when assessing products according to module F1), subject to prior agreement with the CAB, the Applicant must also provide:

  • certificate or other document confirming the origin of the product batch and manufacturer’s test reports;
  • accompanying documentation;

For fuels containing additives, the technical documentation should also include:

  • document on the approval for use of the additive in the relevant type of fuel;
  • data on the content of the additive in the fuel;
  • additive safety data sheet;
  • information about the location of the legal entity of the manufacturer.

In accordance with the TR on requirements for liquefied gas for road transport, municipal consumption and industrial purposes

Conformity assessment according to the Technical Regulation on requirements for liquefied gas for road transport, communal and household consumption and industrial purposes, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.07.2020 № 667

For conducting conformity assessment of products, the Applicant submits an application to the OOV for carrying out conformity assessment of the product against the requirements of the Technical Regulation. The application must include all necessary information (the name of the product to be assessed for conformity, the name of the technical regulation to which conformity will be assessed, general details of the applicant, including name and address(es) of the location, and all other relevant information).

To the application, subject to prior agreement with the OOV, the Applicant must attach:

  • certificate or other document confirming the origin of the product batch and the manufacturer’s test reports;
  • accompanying documentation.

For GS that contain additives (additives) in their composition, the technical documentation must also include: chemical safety data sheet; information on the location of the legal entity producing the additive (additive).

An analysis of the documentation provided by the applicant is conducted, which allows for the assessment of the product against current requirements. The manufacturer takes all necessary measures to ensure that production and its control ensure that the produced product conforms to the technical documentation and the requirements of the technical regulation for such products.

04074, Kyiv,
street Konoplyanska, 12,


Head of Laboratory
Quality Manager
Inspection Body Manager

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